Tomorrow I am doing my last Olumpic Tri of the year (and 2nd ever). I am a bit anxious, but not as much as last time. I am hoping to improve in all areas, as one should. As always, the one thing I am nervous about is the run, as it is the last and (for me) hardest.
I just read there are 1,800 athletes participating. I hope most are for the Sprint, because I feel confident about the swim, but if there are a lot of people, that might affect the outcome.
Well, gotta go. My goal is 3:00:00, or less. Individual goals as follows:
Swim: 33min (did 34:36 last time)
T1: 5 min ( the #$* Transition area is super far away)
Bike: 1:19 min (@ 19 MPH)
T2: 3 min
Run: 60 min
Alejandro Alvarez & Family
I am starting this blog mainly to share our new life here in Houston, but also to share interesting information that I read on the web.
As I update the blog with some past events, I will post them to the actual date when they happened. You can browse a list of those blogs in the right pane, under "Blog Archive". You can also access posts by Tags, under "Tags/Etiquetas"
Saturday, September 29, 2012
Wednesday, September 26, 2012
Week 15/18 - Olympic Triathlon Training
This is the 1st week of taper before Town Lake. I did not get a chance to do the long workouts on the weekend because I had the (coolest) camping trip with Ramon (Cub Scouts). Nonetheless, the week was not too slow, and I guess that is what I needed. I have been training following the 1/2 IM plan, but the next race is the Olympic distance.
Totals this week:
Swim: 2,000 yds
Bike: 45 miles
Run: 132 min (aprox. 12.6 miles).
Swim: 2,000 yds
Bike: 45 miles
Run: 132 min (aprox. 12.6 miles).
Sunday, September 16, 2012
Week 14/18 - Olympic Triathlon Training
Extremele good "fondos" this week. During the week I had to take two days off (Austin and Friday), but more than made up for on the weekend. Feel ready for the Olympic, and why not, for the 1/2 IM (swim and bike at least)
Totals this week:
Swim: 3,800 yds
Bike: 127.5 miles
Run: 225 min (aprox. 23-34miles).
Totals this week:
Swim: 3,800 yds
Bike: 127.5 miles
Run: 225 min (aprox. 23-34miles).
Tuesday, September 11, 2012
Sunday, August 26, 2012
Week 11/18 - Olympic Triathlon Training
This was a slow week because I had to taper and rest for today's Olyumpic Tri. Having said that, today's effort (more on that later) was probably the hardest in a long long time.
Totals this week:
Swim: 5,150 yds
Bike: 70 miles
Run: 166 min (aprox. 16-17 miles).
Totals this week:
Swim: 5,150 yds
Bike: 70 miles
Run: 166 min (aprox. 16-17 miles).
Clearlake International Tri reflections and real results
Well, Clearlake is done and I gotta say that I had an amazing time. It was a great race and during I decided that I want to go for the 1/2 IM. More on that later. First, some reflections

As a strategy, I have decided that I will always start on the back right of the group. I do not want to get caught int the kicking and pushing of the pack. I followed this strategy yesterday and it worked great. During the entire swim I felt very comfortable, good and I was actually passing people. I ended up coming out 16 in my age group (39 people) and 52 out of 110 in my overall group (all 39 and under). Like I said, I felt really good and my pace was actually better than planned.
The bike started off with problems. First, my right shoe would not clip. Then, 2-3 minutes into the ride, I broke my left shifter. This means that I rode with the small spoke (plato) all the race. Like Tommy (Guardia) said, I probably looked like a Monkey at a fair: pedaling and pedaling. But, anyway, I did not let this syche me out and I rode as fast as I can. My legs tired more, I guess, but I decided that I had enough cushion in my planned time run since I had estimated 70 min there. All in all, my bike time was 3:40 min more than planned, which sux, but still pretty good.
I knew going into the run my legs were tired, and I would probably walk a lot. BUT, I had decided I would do my best to stay under 3h20m overall. Eventually this did not happen, as I allowed myself the time because of the bike problems. I ran the entire first loop, with no walking, but had to start walking more and more in the other loops. I am not sure how much I walked, but it was at least 10-15 minutes of the overall time. I ended up doing better than planned, at 1h06m
After all was said and done, I beat my estimated/planned time by 40 seconds, which is very comforting given the bike issue. I am very pumped up to break the 3 hour mark in the Memorial Herman Olympic tri in 5 weeks, and to do that I need to concentrate to improve the run to break the 10min/mile pace, and just do my previously planned 18.6 mph in the bike. If I can do both, and just maintain my swim, it is very possible.

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Friday, August 24, 2012
T-14 hours
So, this thing is tomorrow. I am all packed up and ready to go to my Abdiel's house (Abdiel, thanks for the offer, that extra 30 min of sleep will be priceless). I am going over a lot of details in my head, I guess that means that I am taking this a lot more seriously than previously thought.
I will try to post a couple of more pics before the race, and after. To the few (1-2) who read this, thanks! I will give it my best, but always thinking this is my "dry run" for the Sept. 30th. with 5 weeks to improve, train and set 2nd time goals.
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Sunday, August 19, 2012
Week 10/18 - Olympic Triathlon Training
This was the Taper week for Clearlake. It did not feel like it, although the distances probably reflect it. I decided to go do the bike route Friday morning, and it was frickin' hot. I could barey (really!) finish the 45 min walk afterwards. The bike felt great, though, and I did 40 miles, and not the 28 mile course. Friday got me thinking about the 1/2 IM, and we'll have to see. I got nervous about doing the 2 Olympic distance races in the next 6 weeks. But I know I'll be fine, I just want to do a good time
This week I decided not to do the 25 mile bike (2nd one), as my legs are tired and I need to concentrate on running in the next couple of days of taper.
Swim: 4,500 yds
Bike: 65 miles
Run: 135 minutes (approx. 14-15 miles), plus 45 min walk
Just to get them out in the open now, these are my goals for Clearlake:
Swim - 37 min
T1 - 4 min
Bike - 90 min (at around 18.6 mph, and it is 28 miles and not 25 miles)
T2 - 3 min
Run - 70 min
Total: 3 h 24 min
I think if I push it I can do 3 h 12 min (pushing the bike to 19mph and the run to 60 min, and cutting T1 to 3 min). This would be equivalent to 3 h 3 min in the REAL Olympic.
Monday, August 13, 2012
Our son's progress
Today Em and I met with Dr. Harris and Maureen to review the progess of my son, Tomas, after 6 months of therapy. Even though we see him everyday and know he had impoved amazingly, the results of the evaluation were nothing short of PHENOMENAL.
There is so much information that it is amazing. We don't want to share too much, so here it goes, in a nutshell.
Wechsler Intelligence Scale
Verbal IQ : went from 61 to 81
Performance IQ: went from 5o to 100 (WOW)
Processing Speed: from 60 to 73
Full Scale IQ: WENT FROM 35 TO 86..
Remember, anything under 75 is considered a form of Mental Retardation. Anything between 90-110 is considered Normal. So Tomas is 4 points away from NORMAL. Pardon my french, but isnt' that fucking awesome?????????
Reception / Understanding: went from a level of a 35 month old to the level of a 42 month old (7 month improvement). They said this was normal for 6 months.
Expression : went from the level of a 23 month old to the level of a 40 month old (17 months). AWESOME improvement.
There is a lot of data they collect, analyze and then Tomas has totally surpassed their expectations, and they are amazed, excited and enthusiastic about his improvement and chances.
Emily and I are very thankful for all the work Dr. Harris and his team had done with Tomas. And want to encourage everybody (for the few readers of this blog, please share if you wish) to treat Austim. Let's create more awareness. It is totally treatable with love, sacrifice and determination. We owe it to our kids.
God bless. Today is a good good day.
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Sunday, August 12, 2012
Week 9/18 - Olympic Triathlon Training
By far the most grueling week of training ever for me. But so cool to be able to train whenever I want and totally get to be in the shape I am getting to be in and seriously consider doing a 1/2 IM in November. I seriously am.
This week I could not the last 1,000 yd swim because I wanted to be with my kids, but the rest was done:
This week I could not the last 1,000 yd swim because I wanted to be with my kids, but the rest was done:
Swim: 4,750 yds
Bike: 98 miles
Run: 140 minutes (approx. 15 miles)
Taper starts now for Clearlake.
Saturday, August 11, 2012
Invertir en el Deporte en Panama
Hoy escuche algo que me parecio fantastico. Gran Bretana, despues de las Olimpiadas de
Atlanta (1996) donde solo hicieron 1 medalla de oro, crearon una Loteria especial donde los
fondos iban hacia crear Atletas que los representaran en las futuras olimpiadas. Aqui los
1996 - 15 Total (1 Oro), Rank#36
2000 - 28 Total (11 Oro), Rank#10
2004 - 30 Total (9 Oro), Rank#10
2008 - 47 Total (19 Oro), Rank#4
2012 - 54 Total (25 Oro), Rank#3 (a la fecha, faltan 2 dias)
Sera que en Panama hagamos algo asi, SIN CHANCHULLO?
fondos iban hacia crear Atletas que los representaran en las futuras olimpiadas. Aqui los
1996 - 15 Total (1 Oro), Rank#36
2000 - 28 Total (11 Oro), Rank#10
2004 - 30 Total (9 Oro), Rank#10
2008 - 47 Total (19 Oro), Rank#4
2012 - 54 Total (25 Oro), Rank#3 (a la fecha, faltan 2 dias)
Sera que en Panama hagamos algo asi, SIN CHANCHULLO?
Wednesday, August 8, 2012
Week 8/18 - Olympic Triathlon Training
This was a Recovery week, specially given the fact that I went to Austin for 4 days. However, I did take my bike and rode 25 miles in the nice Austin hills (thanks to Victor Vasquez for the hospitality)
As always, my totals this week were
Swim: 2,750yds
Bike: 61 miles
Run: 85 minutes (approx. 8-9 miles)
The next two weeks will be tough. I am NOT doing a Taper for the 1st Olympic Tri, but going all out. The week of I will take it slow.
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Monday, July 30, 2012
Week 7/18 - Olympic Triathlon Training
Tough week, but very rewarding. By far the most training I have done in a week. The last few months have been awesome training, and I can feel the improvement. I need to improve my speed, but that will come.
This week I did ALL of my workouts, much better than last week. No road biking, but did all of the planned stuff at the gym. And increased speedwork for run, which was noticeably harder.
Anyway, my totals this week were
Swim: 5,000yds
Bike: 82 miles
Run: 110 minutes (approx. 11 miles)
All in all, it was more than twice the swim, twice the bike and 40% more running that last week.
Clearlake Olympic Triathlon is in 4 weeks. I am planning a 3:45 time, based on 38 minute swim (slow pace), 3 min T1, 120 min bike (28.6 miles @ 4 min/mi, slow), 3min T2 and 60 min run... 3:30 would be a stretch goal.. but still on my radar..
Sunday, July 22, 2012
Cruzando Panama (sin carro)
Semana a semana le he estado metiendo tiempo a esto de entrenar para triatlones, y en este blog mantenido un record de lo que he ido haciendo. Ahora que ya llevo 1/3 de las semanas de entrenamiento, tenia la curiosidad de ver cuanto sumaba todo.
Nadada: 15.75 kilometros
Bicicleta: 521 kilometros
Corrida: 76.8 kilometros
Segun lo que pude medir en Google Map (y esto es aproximado), de frontera a frontera en Panama hay aproximadamente 640 a 650 km. O sea que ya casi me cruzo Panama. jaja..
Week 6/18 - Olympic Triathlon Training
This week totally sucked. I missed a bunch of workouts, and went from 44/45 as of last Sunday to 49/54 as of today. That means I only did 5 workouts this week.
Anyway, my totals this week were
Swim: 2,000m
Bike: 40 miles
Run: 70 minutes (approx. 7.5 miles)
I decided I will not try to "get" this workouts back. Instead, today I signed up to an Olympic race in 5 weeks, so I best get back on track. Yeah!
Anyway, my totals this week were
Swim: 2,000m
Bike: 40 miles
Run: 70 minutes (approx. 7.5 miles)
I decided I will not try to "get" this workouts back. Instead, today I signed up to an Olympic race in 5 weeks, so I best get back on track. Yeah!
Tuesday, July 17, 2012
It's been a good week (Work Permit stuff)...
It has been a good week as far as getting some progress on the work permit shit is concerned. Yesterday we received a note for an appointment on the 25th of July for the biometrics (fingerprinting, etc). Today, Judy called me that she received a not for the Interview, for August 13th.
I am not sure how long after that I will be able to work, but I hope it is no more than 1 month. Will keep you posted.
I am not sure how long after that I will be able to work, but I hope it is no more than 1 month. Will keep you posted.
Monday, July 16, 2012
Week 5/18 - Olymplic Triathlon Training
Week 5 was Race Week. Shadow Creek was yesterday (see many other posts). I had to play around, more than usual anyway, with the training days.
Including the race distances, I did all the workouts required of my so far (so 44 out of 45). My totals this week were:
Swimming: 3,500m
Cycling: 51 miles
Running: 75 min (about 8 miles)
Including the race distances, I did all the workouts required of my so far (so 44 out of 45). My totals this week were:
Swimming: 3,500m
Cycling: 51 miles
Running: 75 min (about 8 miles)
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