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Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Esto es Preocupante: Banco UBS dice que Panamá pierde credibilidad

“El Gobierno parece sobreextender su búsqueda de financiamiento adicional [y] en el proceso ha empañado nuestra opinión de su compromiso con la responsabilidad fiscal”

Banco UBS: Panamá pierde credibilidad | Panorama-Impreso |

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Sunday, June 24, 2012

Week 2/18 Olympic Triathlon Training

Two weeks gone.  I defnitely felt it this week, as the 9 workouts from last week took a toll on my (not son in great shape) body.  Today I planned to go do the 25-mile bike session on the road, but while getting my bike ready I made it flat.  Apparently I broke the valve.  What a rookie.

Today I finished week 1 of 18 of the triathlon training plan I downloaded from . It is supposed to be for Intermediate triathlets (I guess I am?) .  I feel good, not too tired, but tired and worked-out enough.  In summary, the plan includes 9 workouts (in 6 days, Fridays are off days), and this week had the followiing totals:

Swimming:  2,250 m (I skipped Monday's workout, it should have been 3,000m for the week)
Cycling: 60 miles (almost 100km week).
Running: 75 min (a little under 8 miles)

Sat morning after run
This coming week distances go up for everything, and keep going up.   Yikes!!

Saturday morning after swim

For the training plan that I am following go to

Fan Installation

Today I installed the 4th fan in our (rented) house.  It really is a simple process, but one that many people are afraid, embarrased or don't know how to do.  I really owe my skills in this matter to my dad.  The simple things, I hope I can pass them to my kids.



Thursday, June 21, 2012

1st Olymplic Triathlon coming up....

Dear Alejandro Alvarez,

This email confirms your registration for the 2012 Memorial Hermann Houston Triathlon, submitted on Jun 21, 2012 at 3:47:05PM CDT.

We hope you have a great race! If you have any questions about your registration or your personal profile pages, please email or by phone at 888-600-2298 from 9am-5pm US/Pacific.

BazuSports and Onurmark Productions LLC
Your confirmation code KR2XVJ

How to Avoid Overtraining

This happens to me...

Question: Why Do I Feel So Sluggish and Tired During my Runs?

During my recent runs, I feel slower than usual and very sluggish. It's a struggle to get through my runs. What's the problem?

Answer: You could possibly be overtraining, meaning you're running too many miles or running too hard. Try cutting back on your mileage or your intensity (or both). Even if a reduction in mileage or intensity goes against your training schedule, you need to listen to your body and give it the rest that it needs. You may even decide that you need to take a complete break from running and return to it when you are feeling mentally and physically refreshed.

Keep in mind that other areas of your life may also have an effect on your running. If your job or family life has been very time-consuming and stressful recently, you'll definitely feel more sluggish during your runs. Try to look for ways to reduce stress in your life and create more time for activities you enjoy, like running.

If you do cut back on your running and you're still feeling tired and sluggish, examine your diet and sleep habits -- they'll also have an impact on your running. Try to get eight hours of sleep a night and stick to a healthy diet.

Also, keep in mind that it's normal to have a bad run every once in a while. Don't let a bad run or two make you completely give up on running. Try some of these tips to get over a bad run.

 How to Avoid Overtraining:

'via Blog this' Courtesy of (Running and Jogging).

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

1st time Spin

Today I did my first-ever Spinning workout.  I was not sure what to expect, and to be honest with you, it felt really good.  I did do 100% of what the instructor said, but I managed to get more than 95% in.

One of the challenges I have is to drop by Heart Rate from 162 bpm to 147 bpm during my workouts.  From what I have been reading, this is the key to a good performance in a longer race (to my longer is Olympic tri.)

Crimen en Panama

Acribillan a colombiano:

Hoy paso algo que desafortunadamente se ha vuelto mas comun que antes en mi Panama.  Un asesitnato a plena luz del dia, en una de las vias mas transitadas de Panama.   Aunque siempre criticare esto, en el caso de hoy hay algo mas:  mi hermana menor fue testigo, a menos de 20 metros, de este horrendo crimen.  Vio como le dieron 6 tiros, y luego lo apunalaron. No hay manera de controlar esto 100%, pero lo que si hay que hacer es estar muy atento de lo que esta pasando alrededor.

Ella escribio esto unas horas despues:  "hoy fui testigo de algo HORRIBLE!...algo que deja a uno frio.....y en mi caso pensando: .osea asi tratan a la VIDA?...quede perpleja....y ahora sintiendome impotente ante un acto de esta categoria......triste la verdad que muy triste que cosas asi tengan que pasar...y no porque es NECESARIO QUE PASEN...sino por el mal albedrio de ciertas personas".  

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Sunday, June 17, 2012

Will this stop the market slide??

Greece election: What's next - Jun. 17, 2012:

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Marcha manana en Panama

Mañana lleva tu bandera panameña! Desde las 9am en la Asamblea Nacional. Es todos por Panama! Paremos la venta del pais y la Sala V.  Frenemos lo que RM esta haciendo en nuetro pais.

Week 1/18 Olympic Triathlon Training done

Today I finished week 1 of 18 of the triathlon training plan I downloaded from . It is supposed to be for Intermediate triathlets (I guess I am?) .  I feel good, not too tired, but tired and worked-out enough.  In summary, the plan includes 9 workouts (in 6 days, Fridays are off days), and this week had the followiing totals:

Swimming:  2,500 m
Cycling: 50 miles
Running: 70 min (around 7 miles)

On today's run I used new Saucony Cohesion 5 running shoes.  They felt good. Here's a pic for you.

Friday, June 15, 2012

Thoughts on parenting.

Esto me lo mande mi compadre Jorge....

As parents, many of us feel driven to help our children become more successful than we are. The story is as old as time. Our parents felt that way. So did theirthemselves.
“That’s not a bad thing, but we can’t live their lives,” says Deb Lonzer, MD, Chair of Community Pediatrics for Cleveland Clinic Children’s Hospital. “We had our chance. Now we have to let them have their chance.” Hovering like helicopters to make sure our kids don’t repeat our mistakes or suffer any regrets is a sign of hyperparenting — being overly protective and involved.

Small failures are nothing to fear

Dr. Lonzer says that children need to learn from the natural consequences of their actions starting at age 3.
Although parents must keep kids safely away from the stove, gas line and toxic cleaners, “let them fall down, let them get cuts and bruises, let them make mistakes,” says Dr. Lonzer. “Let them learn what it means to have small failures.”
Failure can be a good thing for children by allowing them to think about what didn’t work and why, and to come up with a better plan for next time. “Childhood is for preparation, not performance,” she says.
As far as academics are concerned, a failing grade represents a learning opportunity as well. “The grade doesn’t matter — the effort does,” says Dr. Lonzer. “You have to stop doing their homework at some point, and if they get an F, they get an F. You want them to enjoy learning for the purpose of learning.”

The generation gap

In previous generations, children were considered adults when they reached the age of 18 or 21. They were expected to leave home and make their own way in the world — at college, in the military or in the workforce.
“Today, we have kids who think it’s normal to live with their parents until they’re 27 or 28, so we have prolonged adolescence until almost 30,” says Dr. Lonzer. “We have kids who have never failed because there’s always been that safety net.”
The bottom line is that most kids turn out fine — even those who have made some mistakes along the way — so parents needn't worry. “You’re probably gonna have happy, healthy kids if your heart’s in the right place,” says Dr. Lonzer.

Google Ready To Jump Higher On Mobile Growth

Google Ready To Jump Higher On Mobile Growth - Seeking Alpha: "Google Ready To Jump Higher On Mobile Growth"

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Thursday, June 14, 2012

La Tercera es la vencida?

Hoy me tocó nadar 1,000yd y correr 20 min.  Estoy contento de haber decidido aprovechar el tiempo extra que tengo ahora para entrenar,  pues viendo el plan que tengo por delante comenzar esto trabajando hubiera sido mucho más difícil.  

La cosa me está gustando,  que es lo que siempre dije que quería que me pasara las otras dos veces que comencé a entrenar,  y nunca pasó.  La meta del 2012 es una Olímpica.,  y la veo BIEN.

Raising a child born in 2011 will cost an average of $290,000

Raising a child just got $8,000 more expensive - Jun. 14, 2012:

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If you have never seen/tried this, I recommend you do.

Houston Krav Maga, Houston Israeli Martial Arts, Houston Israeli self defense:

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Si voy

Asi deberían ser todos los taxis en Panamá. 

8 Rules for Speed Training

8 Rules for Speed Training:

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Shadow Creek Triathlon

Yesterday I registered for the Shadow Creek (Sprint) Triathlon.  More information about it at

Ayer me inscribe en la Triatlon Sprint en Shadow Creek.  Pueden acceder mas informacion en:

Wednesday, June 13, 2012


Tonight's event was not as attended as others.  But I met interesting people and I am surprised something will come out of it.

PM keeps buying back stock

Job Search Tips

Interesting, and very true link.   I am looking for my next career move and I can tell you all these tips are important.

Por fin comienzo el blog....

Luego de varios meses en Houston, y por recomendacion de alguien muy cercano a mi, he decidido comenzar un blog.  La verdad es que estan pasando muchas cosas interesantes en mi vida, y en la de mi familia, y este es un buen outlet para compartirlo.

En algunos dias espero completar nuestra historia desde el 01 de Enero que comenzco todo esto.  Esten al tanto.


After several months in Houston, and the recommendation of someone very close to me, I have decided to start a blog.  A lot of interesting things are going on in my life, and the life of family, and this is a good oulet to share these things.

In a few days I hope I can update our journey so far.  Stay tuned.

Monday, June 4, 2012

Tejas Tri

          Ayer hice el Tejas Triathlon (Sprint).  Despues de mas de 4 anios de no hacer ninguna, y solo 4 semanas de entrenamiento, me fue bastante bien.  Ya me registre para el proximo, aqui mismo en Houston, para el 15 de Julio.  La meta es en el 2012 hacer un Olimpico.